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ICARSC 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions

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The 19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC'2019) is an international scientific meeting in the field of Robotics co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), through its Portuguese Chapter.

ICARSC 2019 will take place at Porto - Gondomar, April 24-26, 2019. The conference is organized by the University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering, INESC-TEC, LIACC, CISTER, P.Porto and by the Portuguese Society for Robotics.

ICARSC is typically organized in a single track to favor discussion and interactions, accompanied by poster sessions and keynote speeches. Contributions from the academy, industry, and outputs from the collaboration between industrial and academic R&D units are welcome.

Important Dates

Submission               Jan 25, 2019
Notification               Mar 1, 2019
Camera Ready         Mar 15, 2019
Early Registration     Mar 15, 2019
Conference              April 24-26, 2019

Web site


Call for papers

you can find the call for papers here.

We look forward to welcome you in April 2019 in Gondomar, Portugal.


ICARSC 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions

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The 19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC'2019) is an international scientific meeting in the field of Robotics co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), through its Portuguese Chapter.

ICARSC 2019 will take place at Porto - Gondomar, April 24-26, 2019. The conference is organized by the University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering, INESC-TEC, LIACC, CISTER, P.Porto and by the Portuguese Society for Robotics.

ICARSC is typically organized in a single track to favor discussion and interactions, accompanied by poster sessions and keynote speeches. Contributions from the academy, industry, and outputs from the collaboration between industrial and academic R&D units are welcome.

Important Dates

Submission               Jan 25, 2019
Notification               Mar 1, 2019
Camera Ready         Mar 15, 2019
Early Registration     Mar 15, 2019
Conference              April 24-26, 2019

Web site


Call for papers

you can find the call for papers here.

We look forward to welcome you in April 2019 in Gondomar, Portugal.


ICARSC 2019 - IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions

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The 19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC'2019) is an international scientific meeting in the field of Robotics co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), through its Portuguese Chapter.

ICARSC 2019 will take place at Porto - Gondomar, April 24-26, 2019. The conference is organized by the University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering, INESC-TEC, LIACC, CISTER, P.Porto and by the Portuguese Society for Robotics.

ICARSC is typically organized in a single track to favor discussion and interactions, accompanied by poster sessions and keynote speeches. Contributions from the academy, industry, and outputs from the collaboration between industrial and academic R&D units are welcome.

Important Dates

Submission               Jan 25, 2019
Notification               Mar 1, 2019
Camera Ready         Mar 15, 2019
Early Registration     Mar 15, 2019
Conference              April 24-26, 2019

Web site


Call for papers

you can find the call for papers here.

We look forward to welcome you in April 2019 in Gondomar, Portugal.


Prémios SPR relativos a Trabalhos de 2017

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Durante o Jantar do ICARSC 2018, no dia 26 de abril de 2018, foram anunciados os premiados dos Prémios Anuais SPR relativos a trabalhos de 2017.

Segue-se a lista de prémios, de premiados e a constituição do Júri de cada prémio.

Prémio da SPR Dissertação de Mestrado nacional em Robótica

Vencedor: Paul Rudolph Schydlo, Anticipation in Human-Robot Cooperation: A recurrent neural network approach for multiple action sequences prediction, IST

Júri: Prof. Urbano Nunes (Pres.), Prof. Eduardo Silva, Prof. José Barata, Prof. Paulo Gonçalves, Prof. Pedro Fonseca

Prémio Inovação e Transferência de Tecnologia na área da Robótica

Vencedor: Desenvolvimento de Drone de Asa Rotativa para Inspeção de ativos EDP, INESC-TEC / ISEP

Júri: Prof. Urbano Nunes (Pres.), Prof. José Barata, Prof. Paulo Gonçalves, Prof. Pedro Fonseca


A SPR felicita os premiados!


Chamada para Organização do Festival Nacional de Robótica 2019

Atenção, abrirá numa nova janela. PDFVersão para impressãoEnviar por E-mail

Atenção, abrirá numa nova janela. 

O Festival Nacional de Robótica é actualmente o maior encontro científico com competições de robótica que tem lugar em Portugal, realizando-se anualmente, desde a primeira edição em 2001, em vários pontos do país.

A Direção da SPR convida as entidades interessadas a apresentar a sua candidatura à organização do Festival Nacional de Robótica 2019.

Esta candidatura é realizada através do envio por email, à Direção da SPR ( Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar ), de uma Proposta de Candidatura à Organização do FNR.

Mais informações em Material para Organizadores do FNR.

Datas importantes:
Data limite para apresentação da Candidatura: 23 de abril de 2018
Decisão e informação aos candidatos: 2 de maio de 2018


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